
Babies & Poverty...

I was reading an article online recently and came to the conclusion that babies are already synonymous to poverty. The more babies there are, the poorer we will get. That's how I read family planning advocates' appeal to support the reproductive health bills. They say that the rapidly growing population negatively impacts the country 's economic development. Moreover, they are not just talking about any baby, but they are targeting the ones born from the "least urbanized, least educated, and poorest segments of the population" (now who is pro-poor here?). Why not improve the urbanization so that there will be less squatter's areas? Why not make sure that all children get educated and not forced to work to support their parents? I don't really get it how pro-choice expands opportunities when the current options already exclude a fair distribution of wealth, a right to education, etc.

Perhaps I can negotiate, I can collaborate with these family planning advocates if their "appropriate information" funds (which they aim to get with the approval of the reproductive health bill) will include buying and disseminating educational tapes like those sold by the American Life League's Baby Steps which show how life develops throughout a baby's 16 stages of growth. Let the adults see who are the recipients of a world of opportunities or rather, the victims of exclusionary measures.

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